That’s right collectors of plastic figures, it looks like the rumors are true. The Power Rangers Lighting Collection Wave 8 figures look to be heading our way in Spring of 2021! Here are our thoughts on the upcoming wave after the holiday season.
Online Retailed ToyWiz posted up Pre-orders (maybe a little too early) for 4 new figures listed below. Luckily we got a look at what was coming and the prices before they removed it.
So what Power Rangers are ready to morph onto our shelves?
S.P.D Pink Ranger
Sydney “Syd” Drew is going to be the 5th figure from her team, as one of the 4 ladies morphed in the show, it’s about time we start getting some of the ladies on our display shelves from Space Patrol Delta. We can assume that she will come with her standard SPD load out of Morpher and DeltaMax Striker. Hopefully it will be in 2 separate pieces so you can combine them. The only question is how will they do all those gorgeous curls that Aly Purrot had?
Dino Thunder Blue Ranger
Ethan James, the video-game loving ranger, joins the 2nd dino team as the 3rd figure released. I am apprehensive about this one: Simply put, his personal weapon the Tricea-Shield is possibly the largest accessory to date. Will Hasbro shortchange us with the ThunderMax Sabers? Giving us only one form as opposed to the 2 that Conner had in his set? Or will the customizing community luck out and have a lot of painting to make up for? Guess we will have to wait for an official announcement from Hasbro.
Zeo Green Ranger
Adam Park who is the THIRD LONGEST serving ranger in the franchise FINALLY gets a figure! Obviously, it’s about time! We can start doing head swaps with the MMPR Black figure. Hopefully, they get his head sculpt right this one, because once they go to Turbo he will have longer hair. Well, we won’t have to remind you about both MMPR black figures. Aside from that are we going to get his Zeo Axes? I’ll remain a cynic until Hasbro gets us sheathed Zeo Pod Swords and somehow Rocky’s Zeo Tonfa.
Lost Galaxy Red
Let’s not forget Leo Corbett the Red Galaxy Power Ranger. This will be the first time we can purchase him outside of a 2 pack with Psycho Red! This is a smart move since that 2 pack is hard to come by and that with the recent sales of the Psycho 5-pack. Who would want to purchase another 2 pack? Let’s guess that after this release and see if any remaining LG vs Psycho 2 packs sell out so fast because the customs crowd will take those extra Psycho Reds and turn them Psycho Silver. I have nothing bad to say about this figure I just hope we come with the same accessories. Like a SHEATHED Quasar Saber! What would be nice is if we got the TransDaggers in the single packs as they are the ranger’s personal weapons.
When wave 8 of the Power Rangers Lightning collection was posted, they were priced at $22.99 for Pre-order. No news yet if we are going to get any PULSE exclusives or villain figures for this wave. But, it’s nice to see that Hasbro is choosing to spread out figures across the franchise. Also, no info on if these figures are going to have Target Variant boxes as well.
Are you going to pre-order when the announcement becomes official? Let us know in the comments below or head on over to our THS FACEBOOK and make sure to follow me at OFF THE CUFF GAMING on Facebook and YouTube. Keep up with for all your latest Power Ranger news and everything trending “in Geek Pop Culture” and “May the Power Protect YOU!”